TreeHouse School is continuously developing its provision for transition planning. Specialist staff have established relationships with various colleges, care services, employers and other providers to support pupils and their parents with the transition to adult life.
Getting transition right for each individual can be a challenging process, and TreeHouse School aims to meet this challenge by a combination of:
- supporting pupils and their families to navigate the Local Offer in the pupil's local authority
- organising annual transition events which bring colleges, health, care and leisure providers into school to meet pupils and their families
- individually tailoring Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance for pupils in years 11-14
- supporting pupils to develop their confidence through a variety of visits to colleges, leisure and care services, as well as work experience placements
- providing opportunities for pupils and their families to plan effectively for transfer and Annual Reviews by meeting before and after these key times
- ensuring transdisciplinary team transition protocols are followed so that pupils' education, health and care needs are clearly identified.
Seminars and training
TreeHouse School parents can attend tailored training and seminar sessions which provide access to essential information from a range of expert speakers on a variety of topics. Please click on the area below to find out more*:
- Careers education, information, advice, and guidance
- Further education
- Leisure
- Care providers and services
- The Mental Capacity Act
- SEND code of practice
- Statements and education, health and care plans
- Benefits
- Wills and trusts
- Legal advice and advocacy
- Befriending
- Person-centered planning
- Sexuality
- Parent relationships
*All content and services provided are not associated with Ambitious about Autism.
To find out more about transition, visit our online forum to speak to other parents, carers and professionals.