Work-related learning can be defined as a planned activity that uses the context of work to develop knowledge, skills, and understanding around employment.
Work-related learning occurs through work simulations and mock interviews, work experience or enterprise activities, and through vocational contexts in subjects. Our aim is to enable young people to develop career awareness and employability skills. Furthermore, we provide the opportunity to ‘learn by doing and encourage positive attitudes to lifelong learning.
Since April 2018, our pupils have been gaining work experience in retail at the local FARA Charity shop and Sainsbury’s store, catering and hospitality at local cafés, and office skills at Action For Kids.
Employability and enterprise
We want autistic children and young people to be themselves and realise their ambitions. This is the overarching premise for our Time for Ambition strategy which sets out that over the next three years , we will continue to build on our core expertise in education and employability while engaging more than ever before in the other areas that are essential for autistic children and young people to lead fulfilling lives, such as having supportive families and relationships, good health and wellbeing and being active citizens in their communities.
An employability and enterprise curriculum and approach are at the core of supporting a fulfilling quality of life. Our overarching TreeHouse School employability and enterprise strategy sets out how over the next three years we will continue to align with our Time for Ambition strategy, develop an aspirational curriculum and meet the Gatsby Benchmarks.
All pupils have access to impartial advice and guidance from a range of training providers and education/employment pathways, for whom it is appropriate. You can find out more about access arrangements in our Provider Access policy.
Our pupil journey visually demonstrates the opportunities pupils can access through or curriculum.
Feel free to contact the Employability and Enterprise lead at TreeHouse School:
Employment Specialist: Rossana Caglia: rcaglia@treehouseschool.org.uk
If your child is taking part with our employability programme, we would appreciate your feedback. Please complete the feedback form and email to Rossana at rcaglia@treehouseschool.org.uk