Assessment is the process by which pupils, parents and carers, teachers, support staff, and local authorities gain insight into learning. It is integral to both teaching and learning.
Methods of assessment
TreeHouse School pupils all have individual learning styles and levels of ability and our methods of assessment, therefore, take account of this. Methods that we use include:
- formal assessments, where the pupil is asked to complete tasks which indicate his or her knowledge or approach to learning
- criterion-references assessment, which measure a pupil’s attainment against a list of developmental skills
- observational assessment, where a member of staff observes a pupil’s response to learning or unstructured activities
- dynamic assessment, which looks at and records the pupil’s response within a direct learning task
- marking and review of written work or other forms of ‘permanent product’ such as art work
- questioning, which enables the staff team to make a judgment about a level of understanding
- reviewing qualitative evidence such as photos or videos collected over a period of time
- quantitative data analysis eg. measuring the frequency and intensity of behaviours that challenge
- multi-disciplinary discussion eg. to review an IEP or discuss the outcomes of a particular assessment
- completion of accreditation schemes eg. ASDAN, awards and examinations.
Please refer to our policy page to see individual policies.
Here, you can find a link to the school's performance tables.